Epigenetics Data Analysis

Epigenetic analyses are relevant to: 

  • Gain insight into protein–DNA interactions 
  • Investigate methylation patterns 
  • Characterise the response of cells or tissues to epigenetic modifying agents
  • Understanding the mechanisms that regulate gene expression in response to environmental stresses or during developmental processes

Understanding epigenetic processes plays an important role in developing treatments for human cancers, metabolic syndromes and brain disorders as well as various other areas. Fios Genomics can help companies and organisations to investigate disease mechanisms and also to develop therapies which target therapying the epigenome. We provide a range of analysis services and solutions specifically for epigenetic research.  

ChIP-seq Analysis

Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis can be used to analyse DNA-protein interactions. It can also be used for both transcription factor determination and histone modification assessment. 

Our ChIP-seq analysis pipeline includes:

  • Quality control evaluation of raw sequencing data
  • Peak calling to identify regions of ChIP-seq signal enrichment. We can assess peaks in genomic features such as genes, exons/introns/intergenic or enhancers/promoters
  • Visualisation of peaks/binding sites 
  • Differential binding analysis 
  • Also, Chromatin state learning using histone ChIP-seq

DNA methylation

The addition of a methyl group to the cytosine nucleotide in a cytosine-guanine (CpG) dinucleotide pairing is the most well characterised epigenetic modification and is known widely as DNA methylationCpG sites occur throughout the genome in a non-random distribution in CpG islands, shelves, shores or seas. Although the functional effect of DNA methylation is context-dependent, it is a method used by cells to tightly and dynamically regulate gene expression in response to developmental or environmental factors – given that this can be achieved in the absence of modification of the DNA sequence. DNA methylation can be measured directly at targeted sites by array (for example Illumina EPIC arrays) or more widely through bisulphite sequencing.