Barcode Services

Our barcode services reduce your workload by avoiding the need for creating orders and processing invoices for each batch of samples. You can simply order prepaid barcodes online, receive them by courier service and use them for Sanger sequencing

EZ-Seq and EZ-Bag

EZ-Seq is a prepaid barcode service for which you order barcodes online, receive them by courier service and use them for sequencing. EZ-Bag is available for when you want to send up to 48 premixed samples at once.

EZ-Seq and EZ-Bag reduce workloads, as you will get one invoice per set of barcodes. All you need to do is mix the template with the sequencing primer and ship the premixed samples to our laboratory with the EZ-Seq barcode labels attached to each tube or plate.

Once we receive the premixed samples – either PCR products or plasmids mixed with the template – our lab team will sequence your samples on the 3730xl DNA Analyzer, ensuring the highest sequencing quality.

For the fastest possible results, we offer the EZ-Seq Single Direct service, which has a turnaround time of 24 hours.


Eco-Seq is the most flexible, straightforward barcode service with the shortest sample preparation workflow. It also uses prepaid labels, but with Eco-Seq there is no need to premix template and primer yourself.

For Eco-Seq, our technical team can ensure high-quality results from purified or unpurified PCR products as well as plasmids. Our workflow accommodates both single tubes and plates. If you need to use more than one primer per template, we can perform multiple runs for the same template with different primers.

For the fastest possible results, we offer the Eco-Seq Single Direct service, which has a turnaround time of 24 hours for purified PCR products and 48 hours for unpurified PCR products.